Don Keefer’s Delightful rant: how stupid lawyers worry we are : From Newsroom

If you haven’t’ watched newsroom, I give you one delightful reason : Don Keefer. The show suffers from much criticism and definitely not in the league of ‘Sopranos’, but it’s smart and witty and stars the underrated, heart-melt inducing Thomas Sadoski. Watch closely between 00:38 to 1.12 as he ruthlessly mocks tort laws, and silly product disclaimers. Have a laugh, and then watch the next post and prepare to be stunned.

The Real Truth Behind The Most Misunderstood And Misreported Story Of All Times

You may read the warning on a Steam Iron cautioning people to “Not Iron clothes while wearing them”, and wonder which poor soul got sued to have to put THAT there. But there’s a very, very good reason why McDonalds has to warn their customer that there coffee, is HOT. Here’s the documentary that tells the real story that you ought to know. So next time you’re joking about another silly warning,don’t fall prey to bad journalism and find out the REAL reason.

This Is Probably One Of The Most Disgusting Movies You Will Ever See. Sadly, It Is A True Story

Th recent Devyani Khobragade case has sparked debate around the American Police practice of strip-searching suspects. This movie filmed in 2012, details the shocking and bizarre incident of a McDonalds employee who was strip searched following a prank call. At the premiere at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival, the film was met with several walkouts and shouting matches during the film’s question and answer session. If this movie dos to disgust and enrage you at the same time, I don’t know what will.