A Stinky Issue: No Toilet No Bride

When I was in college, a class-mate of mine once remarked that ‘privacy was a western concept’. He was justifying the act of defecating in the open, a unfortunate inevitability in most Indian villages. But what about men in cities who are struck with a great and sudden urge to pee when in the vicinity of a blank and stinky wall. Nothing can articulate how WRONG this state of affairs is, better than this world bank video does.

2 thoughts on “A Stinky Issue: No Toilet No Bride

  1. It’s untrue.
    I am from Rajasthan and in Jaipur riyasat a person throwing litter on road or making them dirty by any means was fined Rs. 2 – in 1910.
    In todays time it will be around Rs. 200.
    after independence, the police or Municipal corp. never forced such behaviour, the results are in front of you.


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