Vote Because You Want to, Not Because It Is The Right Thing To Do

So with the elections just around the corner, we are soon to be bombarded with ads and campaigns that, from a higher moral ground, urge us to caste our precious vote. Sure, one must vote if she or he is informed and has a definite preference towards one particular party. But must there really be a moral or legislative obligation do to so. Should we vote just to make full use our universal franchise. Must we vote because it is the ‘right’ thing to do?

But it isn’t obligatory in India to vote. And this video makes a convincing case that often problems are not solved through democratic decision-making – especially in a country like ours where political structures are far too convoluted, if not complex, for the common man to grasp. Only the knowledgeable and the well-informed are really in a suitable place to make those decisions and perhaps they should be the only ones allowed to. That said, there is no shame in not knowing what the right answers are.

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