Take That Woman’s Day Celebration Videos and Shove ’em Becasue Media Continues to Fail Its Women

Women in the US got voting a good half a century after Blacks were allowed to vote. Not to deride the civil right’s movements, but there are movies made every single year( 12 Years a slave, DJango Unchained, The Help, Lincoln) that remind us and the later generation of the cruelty and the unfairness that was practiced against other races. And yet, how few are the number of feminist movies? My favorite one is Thelma and Louise. The fact is, since women’s right haven’t been an organized struggle, people don’t feel the need to write about it. After much research i was able to find one of the very few movies that were made of the Women’s suffrage movement in the US. I haven’t watched it yet, but it is on my WatchList.

P.S.: The angst in the headline was provoked by a stupid patronizing video on ScoopWhoop which you don’t need to see. But if you still want to. http://www.scoopwhoop.com/entertainment/womens-day-tribute/